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bOnline Booking

How to book an appointment

Booking online is quick and easy, you can book an appointment  at home or at work.

just pick an appointment type below and it will take you to our diary.

First time patients will be asked to register their details.



If unsure please call:  07597694581


Please ensure you book the correct appointment for your needs to ensure correct amount of time allocated and costs.  


All new patients must book First/Initial appointment or MSK appointment 

* if you have an MSK problem and have general foot care needs  please book the appointment you need the most.  You will only be seen for the appointment booked and charged accordingly.   Additional appointments may be required. 

Closure Dates


We are closed every Wednesday, weekends & Public Holidays.


Mon 21st March - Mon 28th March


Mon 7th July - Mon 21st July







Fit Woman

Your feet in our hands...

Which appointment shall I book?...

First Appointment

All new patients or those patients not been seen for 12 months+  must book first/initial appointment for nail care, ingrowing toenails, skin care, verruca etc...

MSK / Biomechanics Appointment

For all foot, knee & back pain.

Foot injuries such as Achilles tendinopathy, Plantar Fasciitis and those requiring Orthotics


General appointment

for patients already seen by our podiatrist for nail care, corns & calluses

Nail Cut only /short appointment

for normal, non thick or non-diseased nails. Only book this appointment if you have already had your first appointment and advised by your Podiatrist to do so.

pod photo - normal nail cutting.jpg
pod photo - foot pain plantar aspect.jpg

Specialist Services

Swift Microwave & Nail Surgery will need first appointment prior to booking if you have not been seen before.

MLS Laser Therapy may require MSK prior to treatment.  If unsure please ask.

We do not provide Home Visits

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