Many of our patients wonder why we call ourselves The Great British Podiatry Clinic....well we do what it says on the tin....we are 'great' and 'British' and 'Podiatrists' but that's not how our name got started.
When my Husband and I emigrated to Australia in 2008 we worked in the High Risk Foot Service at Goulburn Valley Health hospital in Victoria. Our patients affectionately took 'the micky' and called us the 'POM-MIE' Podiatrists and it stuck. Apparently there are many theories as to why Australians used the word Pom-mie, it was supposed to come from the word pomegranate as it was a rhyming slang for immigrant (especially in an Aussie accent!), while other believed it stemmed from the abbreviation of Prisoner of his Majesty or Prisoner of the Motherland (P.O.M). In 2013 we opened a private clinic and could not decide on a name.....'Fraser Feet' was too predictable, 'Shepparton Foot Clinic' was already taken and 'Pommie Podiatry' was funny but not too professional. Around that time there were many TV programmes called, The Great British Railways, The Great British Sewing bee.......and the very popular Great British Bake Off. If it was good enough for them it was good enough for us.

So The Great British Podiatry was born. Our logo/signage was the union jack, but we decided to mix the red, white and blue together and it created our Purple colour scheme we use today. When we decided to reopen our own private clinic we decided to keep the name and logo, and we hope it brings us the same success in Dumfries as it did in Australia.
Hope to see you all soon!